Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin is McCain's Pick

Lib's are ticked off for sure.

Surprised me, I thought McCain would go for the safe pick of Romney, but he is pulling all the punches.

Either way this election goes, it will be historic!

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Limbaugh gets his wish.

Rush Limbaugh gets his wish. He was so begging that Barack Obama would pick Joe Biden for his VP running-mate, and he did. This should be interesting, cause obviously Rush is going to put together some awesome commentary for us in the next few weeks of who this Biden guy really is.

Personally, I just see him as filler for the gap that Obama creates. And it's a huge gap! He has no experience, obviously it not bring together the white middle class voters, and has been stumbling continuously since ousting Clinton from the race. I don't know that Biden will help him much, but at this point I don't see how it can hurt him. Well Rush seems to think it can and I will be interested it what he has lined up.

If you don't listen to Rush, I found a great radio station to listen to him online. He's on from 12-3 EST, and Sean Hannity follows him.

Continuing though, A scary thought entered my head, which is, how the Dem's now have an inexperienced stumbling 'buffoon' who can't decided where he stands, or even how to speak from day to day, as their nominee for President, and frankly, what an embarrassment for them, if they can't win this election after all the hate for the Republicans that has been going around. However, that is another point I'm not getting into right now. But you know you have to win this election, unlike the last one when you through Kerry into it, this one should be yours, no incumbent, hate for the war and the GOP, you always have the media on your side. Everything just screams that Democrats should win this thing hands down. Except for one major thing they keep forgetting. Most of America isn't on their side. The Democrats that to 'trick' people into thinking they care about you, and they want to help you, and the GOP is all a bunch of war mongers, who just want to make rich people richer, and ignore the little guy.

But now that they are here, and they got Obama as a nominee, they are 'Freaking out' cause it is not going in their direction. I guarantee you, the Dem's are calling the shots here, not Obama. They are telling him who he has to pick, and who has to run with him to make this work, and they need someone to fill that gap. But this is the scariest part of all. If the Dem's actually manage to pull this off and win the Presidency, I think there will be a time when they will be done with Obama. And somehow, remove him to put Biden in the big chair. It's probably a conspiracy someone comes up with every year for every VP. But I don't think Obama has enough weight to pull this stuff out by himself, and he has let the Dem's run it in the background for him.

So there is my conspiracy theory. I am probably wrong, but either way, Biden is there to fill the big gap. I just think it is bigger than most. Biden can't fill this gap.

McCain wins by default, 52%+

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Birthday Party

It's 10:48pm and I just got home with both kiddos after letting them play and have blast at a birthday party. I think both of these kids could have stayed up all night playing at the rate they were going. Of course 5 minutes after getting in the car, both of them were out.

We just don't get to be with that many kids at once and I hated taking them away from it. But after about 2 hours of myself being drained, and about falling asleep, I decided it was time to go. Oh yeah and Mom was home too.

Anyhow, lots of fun, glad we went, and tomorrow is my day. Oh yeah. 33 baby. (I really don't care, but I act like it to appease those of the significant other nature.) We are hitting Texas Road House, which I think I have done 3 years in a row now for my birthday. And I will not be riding the saddle! I really need to think of something else more exciting to go do for my birthday. It's only on Saturday like every 5 or 10 years, or something.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

This just in....

Something just hit me that make total sense. Well it does right now, tomorrow I will be like, no that was stupid, I don't know what I was thinking.

Well I have been using this Twitter deal to update my Facebook status. I also have my Facebook badge on this site and Myspace. I would relaly like Myspace to add the ability for Twitter to update it's status. But anyway, I can do this from my phone, computer, at work or home, and it's just been a neat fun thing to let everybody know my little quarks....oh a piece of candy.

Oh right, uh, so I though that, why not use this for updateing my work day. I mean right now, like most people wonder what takes so long to get good service here. On one hand they know that I am busy but on the other they don't know why it can take a week or more to get to them.

So for instance today, I neede to move some computers from a kamp to their office. I got it all going and was finishing up, when one of the computer die, and won't boot up. Well, I got to get him going, so now I have to put off what was next to get this person working again. of course, i A) have to keep up with it. Always a challenge, and B) have to get people to view it.

I know I got like half the kamp on my Facebook now, so maybe it will work. Just get everyone use to the idea that they can view their facebook, and see what I am doing.

Man just sitting here thinking about it, I realize how stupid that really is. They don't care what I am doing. They just care about THIER problem. So, whatever, i am still going to do it till I am sick of it anyway. Maybe it will catch on.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So work is changing....

Well this is the news of the day, or week. Everything at work is changing. They are splitting the IT department, or really, they are just, well moving me out. I guess. The goal is to leave the main company with it's own IT department, while the software side goes on to do it's own thing. Only I am the only one being left. I support like more than 350 PCs. and right now, and it's just me.

I really am looking at this as a good thing. I still work with all the guys. I just answer to someone else. My new boss will not only reinstate my title, which I lost about 6 months ago (Although I did the exact same job) and really even grant me a higher title and more responsibility. He is leaving a lot in my hands to handle. Which of course is awesome.

Although there is a lot to look forward to, I also know there are a lot of less fortunate people that things are about to change drastically for. And I am just not going to talk about work to any further degree here.


Cad's Blog

is it just me or is it hard to get into blogging? I enjoy the idea, but don't spend the time to do it. I think of a lot of things to talk about and yet, I still don't do it. And I beat around the idea of using You Tube to Vlog, but the hatred that oozes from that place is just amazing.

I have signed up for the Vloggerheads, which is kind of like a gated community for vlogging. I just haven't been able to get onto the site yet, not sure what is up with that. But thought that would be a fun place to start.

I thought I had better start something and have something to talk about. Which in all reality. Is nothing. I guess I have to ask the question, what really is the point? Is it a popularity contest. I certainly aren't looking to gain some kind of following. So why post my thought and feelings or adventures on the web for all to see? I guess I can see it making plenty of sence if it is soly for those you know, but why give out such things for everyone to see? I don't know, but there has to be some kind of fullfillment gained by those that do it without some kind of reason behind it. I mean, there are plenty of people out there blogging to basicly indocernate others into reasoning with them, which I guess is the point of this blog at first, which of course wasn't "indocernation" but to point out the rediculousness of so many things today.

So I guess I am changing that, I don't keep up with the news. I just get my tad bits here and there and I usually go through about 2 week spurts in everything I do. So just like everything, I will probably get interested in this for about 2 weeks and then all the sudden something will come up and I forget, or just ignore the fact that I was doing this. News is one of those things I read like it is the only thing there is, and I come up with all these things, like blogging about it, that I want to do then promptly drop it.

So I guess I just need to change this to more of "random thoughts of a mildly insane man".

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