Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sheep, Rush, Phony Soldiers

I am daily amazed at how so many people are easy swayed by powerful influence to hate those that they see as a threat to their views or politics. I'm not sure why at this point in my life that I am still surprised, but here it is again now with this issue of Rush Limbaugh uttering the words "the phony soldiers".

Now more came after this, but of course this person decided not to included that part. But that is ok we have more clips to come.
This next clip is rush responding the next day when the left was trashing him for his phony soldier statement

What is the inherit problem, well Rush did say it was the whole transcript, however he did edit out about 95 seconds of audio. Wait, uh, why did he do that? Was he covering his own rear, yes he must have said something else that was incriminating, there must be so much bad stuff in the 95 secs he couldn't let anyone here it again. Right? Well one lefty thinks so and posted this video.

Well thanks for posting the extra 95 seconds, but, uh, what was so incriminating there? What did he do except basically ignore Mike's comments on WMDs? After letting Mike go, he talked about Jesse MacBeth, conveniently edited out of the last video, but you heard it on the second one. Jesse was the phony soldiers he was specifically speaking of. BUT WAIT THERES MORE. Rush said SOLDIER"S", with an "S", plural. So obviously he meant any and all soldiers that disagree with the war. Well of course. Cause that is what they want you to think. So they take on whatever belief they want to his comments and presto. The smear has begun.

The thing that cracks me up the most is: If that is what Rush really believes, that he thinks any and all military that disagree with the war is a phony solider, than why is that not a common theme with him? Did anyone ask him if that is what he really believes? Does anyone else have any audio proving these are common statements form Rush? Wouldn't you think you need more than a single statement that is easily shown to be taken out of context? Why not follow through with this statement? Rush makes some outlandish comments, and he backs them up. He never hides from them. Yet he specifically never continues with the idea that all soldiers that disagree with the war are phony. Because that is not what he was saying. Plain and simple.

Those that continue to believe that Rush was calling all anti-war soldiers phony are sheep. They believe whatever the left feeds them. They put their trust in the left hacks, and do not think for themselves. I have no doubt that the left can have fine arguments that can be of real substance. This one is not it. Frankly, it is embarrassing. I would be ashamed to be a part of the left with this kind of sorry story taking place and trying to make this phony argument for them.

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