A Movement to remove Conservative talk radio?
A common theme I am seeing with most of this Media Matters ordeal is the idea that the left wants to return to a Pre-Reagan state of radio, where both views had to be presented on any media talk show. Most talks show wouldn't show either side for the fear of being fined or other legal action taken on them. Check out this transcript on Rush's Site which seems to point to the same as the VoteVets Spokesman lets the cat out of the bag, that it is not really what Rush said, but more about what all Rush believes, and and how influential he is. In other words, they don't agree with him, so they have to try and stop him.
So since the left has been so poor at getting their own Liberal network of radio, lets try to take down them all.
An example of how the liberals arguments can not stand up against common sense conservatism. They make consistent fools of themselves. and when they can't show you their ways, they want to squelch the ideals they disagree with from getting our to you. Cause you may actually start to realize how wrong they really are. They can't have that. They have to stop the "evils" of the conservative base of America. Well don't let them roll you over folks. Stand up and be proud to speak your mind, do not for a moment let the character assassins get you down, or fear you into submission. Speak your mind, and stand your ground.
Labels: bias, conservative, liberal, radio, Rush Limbaugh
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